Wednesday, October 01, 2008

when i was travelled ...

I came across a very funny post on our firm's Bulletin Board. It was a narration of a bad experience, and I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed not because I am apathetic but because the diction was unbelievably bad and it had loads of grammatical mistakes. And let me tell you that it was not a typo, it was more a case of literally translating sentences from ones mother-tongue to English. I am copy-pasting a snippet of that post:

I had also bad experience in KPN before two weeks. When i was travelled from BLR to my hometown ; near Salem, at 12:00 pm the bus tyre was not in good condition and the bus was dashed with the lorry which was standing on the side of National highway. The passenger sat infront had suffered a lot(including me). At that time one more KPN bus was on the way but they did not stop and some government buses was also not stop . how helpless fellow?????? then after some time, some kpn bus(various places) came on the way and we went to salem ,and then they arranged spare bus for moving from salem to hometown.

So if anyone please tell me a good bus service from Bangalore to Madurai

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, post the full article. That was hilarious!!